Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I had no idea what to expect when we went to Versailles. I knew it was going to be nice, but I was blown away. There is so much gold! So many nice things! Huge paintings, fine linens, elaborate sculptures, and let's not forget the Hall of Mirrors. Easily my favorite room.
We followed Lauren's guide almost to a T and had a wonderful time. I recommend doing exactly what she says.

We bought some veggies and a baguette that morning from our fruit stand man. It was perfect weather for a little picnic outside in the gardens. There was an empty podium that may have once held a statue. So what did I do? I climbed right up and posed. It was actually quite difficult but I'm proud to say my arm muscles didn't fail me. Thank you, weight training class.

We walked to the Hamlet and Trianon. It wouldn't have been a difficult walk, but we took a wrong turn and ended up walking an extra mile. Paris was our last stop on this three-week trip, so to say we were exhausted is an understatement. When we realized we were in the wrong place, we just dropped to the grass and didn't move for a good 15 minutes. 
My point? Take Lauren's advice and rent a bike. Or make sure you know where you're going. Either option will save your poor feet from pain.
Once we finally made it, it was great. Marie had her own little hamlet complete with a pond, animals, fields of produce, and adorable cottages.

I HIGHLY recommend taking a day trip to Versailles if you are in Paris. It's such a perfect place to step back in time and be transported into a fairy tale.
And that, my friends, wraps up my travel posts from this summer. Finally!
Happy Wednesday!!

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