Sunday, June 26, 2011

Good times at Goodwill

Hello friends. It has been a crazy busy but fun weekend for me. I've been crafting, shopping, reading (of course) and decorating. Here's a glimpse into what I've been up to.

I have had a lot of fun looking for decorations for our apartment. I don't move in until August, but I am taking full advantage of Zeb being there already. I went to Hobby Lobby on a whim last week and was pleasantly surprised to find 10 aisles of merchandise marked down 80%! Needless to say, I spent over two hours in there. I was in heaven. Here are a couple of things I bought on that trip.

I got these for only $2!

This mirror is my favorite purchase so far. It's amazing! We don't have any nails handy so I was forced to put these under the window. It looked nice but they will not be staying there for long. The first item on my shopping list: nails.

This is the entry hallway of the apartment. The right wall is VERY big and therefore daunting. I have big plans involving that mirror and curtain rod. Hopefully the end product is as great in real life as it is in my mind.

Yesterday, I went to the Goodwill in Hamilton Mill with my mom and two of my brothers. I found some fun toys but was sadly too big to play on them. I recruited Wyatt instead.
This was his first time on one of these.
One of my favorite toys ever!

I asked him to smile...

Wyatt and I found some masks laying on the furniture, and Callaway decided he wanted to get in on the fun, too.

Yes, Cal really is a head taller than me. He's still not
done growing at 6'1".

As we were taking these pictures, five workers walked by and started laughing. Out loud. Glad we could provide some entertainment.

For those of you who don't know, Hamilton Mill is a very nice area. The Goodwill was much nicer than the one near our house, but what blew me away the most was located in the parking lot at Wal-Mart. These are the shopping cart holders:
What?! I guess they are too upscale for the regular metal poles all the other Wal-Marts have. Those millionaires...

On a different note, this is what Zeb bought on his first shopping trip in the new apartment:

Powerade and peanut butter. I kid you not.

On that note, I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Hopefully you have more to eat than Zeb.

PS: One of my next posts is about the crafts I've been doing lately.

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