Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Week of Fourth Grade

This week has been pretty crazy for me. We are in the schools all week.
{Usually we are only there on Thursdays and Fridays.}
I'm enjoying being in the classroom everyday because it gives me a chance to see what they do each day of the week. Usually I come in at the end of a unit so I'm not able to see how they started.

I'm also teaching a lot this week. We had to plan a unit for three subjects.
I chose reading, writing, and social studies with a focus on the explorers.
I think I'm having more fun than my kids.
I absolutely love making posters, creating brochures, making up booklets, and all the other cute stuff that goes along with teaching.
{If I had to pick my dream job, it would be doing all the things teachers do without the actual teaching part. I love grading papers, decorating classrooms, making worksheets, etc. So if you're looking for someone to do that stuff, hit me up! Seriously. I'm not kidding.}

I'll share some pictures once the week is over.
The end result is *hopefully* a brochure telling about their explorer.
Will it turn out like I hope? Who knows. But I have faith!
Here's a little snapshot of an example brochure I made:

While this semester has been hard (more to come on that later this week), it has definitely confirmed to me that teaching is what I'm meant to do.
Good thing, right?
That would be horrible to decide I didn't want to teach as a senior in college.

Hope y'all are having a wonderful Wednesday!

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