Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"I thought you were going to be a teacher?"

While being over here in Europe, many people have asked me about teaching.
"I thought you were going to be a teacher?"
"When do you plan to get a real job?"
"Are you not going to teach anymore?"

Yes, I still want to be a teacher.
Yes, I am planning to get a job when I get back to the States.
Yes, it is still my passion to teach young children.

I am still an educator, even in this season of traveling.
In fact, I have been teaching pretty much the entire time I have been in Europe.
Minus the first three weeks of travel and the time I spent at the sea with my Italian family, I have been teaching in some capacity.

First, it was the English summer camp in Italy.
{Just realized I never posted about this! Oops!}
Then, it was working with the boys in Spain.
Now, I am living in France and teaching English to two precious girls.

This is not the typical route one would take after graduating with an education degree. But for me, it's perfect. I have the chance to work with children and travel, all while being paid to do so. I love teaching and I love traveling. Not a bad set up if you ask me! Plus, when am I ever going to be in a more perfect time in my life to travel the world?!

I have learned (and am still learning) so much from each experience. I'm learning about teaching and I'm also learning a lot about myself. So much so that each place will definitely have its own post regarding what I've learned.

Teaching and working with children comes natural to me. I love getting on their level and watching them learn new things. It's so refreshing to see the world through the eyes of a child. Though there have definitely been some rough patches throughout these past months, I have never been more sure that teaching is what God has called me to do.

I am very excited to get back to America and start looking for a teaching job. Actually the thought terrifies me just a little bit. But most of me is excited. Student teaching was such a wonderful experience for me. I can't wait to have my own classroom and a group of kiddos to call my own!

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